Novembr 9th, our coordinator, prof. Liberato Ferrara, from Politecnico DICA, has released an in...
VIEW ALLInterview at SMART City Radio 24
November 9, 2021Researchers from Spain Develop New Self-Healing Concrete
October 7, 2021ReSHEALience project in Il Sole 24 ore
The article has been publicated in a special issue on Excellent experiences in Cement and Concr...
July 23, 2019Some news published in Malta journals
The Planning Commission within the Planning Authority has approved permits for restoration to c...
July 6, 2018Press Release: ReSHEALience. Rethinking coastal defence and green-energy Service infrastructures through enHancEd-durAbiLity high-performance cement-based materials
The ReSHEALience project is a newly launched research project supported by the European Union u...
June 5, 2018Press Release – IETCC. CSIC: ReSHEALience, el nuevo proyecto H2020 que busca mejorar la durabilidad del hormigón bajo ambientes extremadamente agresivos
Date: January 2018 Title: ReSHEALience, el nuevo proyecto H2020 que busca mejorar la durabilida...
January 25, 2018
Our demonstrator #3 begins to be built by PREFFOR and RDC
AMANAC workshop in Brussels. Agenda
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ReSHEALience will be in BuildSMART! event at MADE EXPO 2019
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ReSHEALience second semiannual STB meeting
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A successful year
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Meet us at ECTP Conference on November 13th-14th in Brussels, Belgium
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INDTECH Amanac workshop – Branding innovations beyond the technical
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3rd Core Management Committee meeting. Dresden, Germany
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Welcome to the first ReSHEALience Newsletter
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