Public Deliverable Reports

Two-day events

Event 2.1 (2020) "Towards greener and more durable concrete". 7th October, 2020: Joint webinar with Endurcrete Project.

Event 2.2 (2020) "Resilient infrastructures to boost the Blue Economy". 8th October, 2020: Workshop providing an overview of the policy, challenges and innovations in the blue growth ecosystem.

Event 1.1 (2019) "The concrete construction industry facing durability challenges: The italian contribution in synergy with the European vision of the HORIZON 2020 projects". ReSHEALience - EnDurCrete workshop at BSMART2019 in MAde Expo Fair Milan

Event 1.2 (2019) "What kind of built environment for future generations?"- 3rd July 2019. Brussels. Organized by: ReSHEALience project, EnDurCrete project, DACOMAT project and AMANAC cluster